Friday, 6 March 2009

Using TypeLoaders in Fuse to load Objects

The default loader supports String content.

If you want to load objects from the content it is necessary to create a custom TypeLoader.

For example, if we have the following resource file:



and a Person POJO defined as follows:

public class Person
private String firstName;
private String lastName;

public Person(String firstName,String lastName)
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;

public String toString()
return this.getClass().getName()+"[firstName="+firstName+", lastName="+lastName+"]";

Then we need to create our own typeloader to parse the Strign Jon,Doe to return a Person object.

Our TypeLoader looks like this:

import java.util.Map;
import org.jdesktop.fuse.TypeLoader;

public class PersonLoader extends TypeLoader<Person>
public PersonLoader()

public Person loadType(String name, String value, Class resolver, Map map)
String[] parts = value.split(",");

return new Person(parts[0],parts[1]);

Now all we need to do, is modify our original code from my last post to register the new typeloader.

import org.jdesktop.fuse.InjectedResource;
import org.jdesktop.fuse.ResourceInjector;
import org.jdesktop.fuse.TypeLoaderFactory;

public class TestFuse2
private Person person;

public String toString()
return person.toString();

public static void main(String[] args)
TypeLoaderFactory.addTypeLoader(new PersonLoader());

TestFuse2 testFuse2 = new TestFuse2();


Using Fuse for Dependency Injection in Swing

The fuse project for dependency injection can be found at

The overview is quite simple and can be found at

in short, Fuse uses a text file containing resources and values to be injected into the object at run time.

The following code shows a very simple example of how to use fuse:

1: Create the Resource File

create the package test and create the file testfuse.resources in that package.

add the following line to testfuse.resources Doe

When this resource file is applied by fuse, it will inject the value Jon Doe into the member name in the class TestFuse

2: Create the Java code to inject the resources

Create the class to read the resource file and use fuse to inject the contents.

package test;
import org.jdesktop.fuse.InjectedResource;
import org.jdesktop.fuse.ResourceInjector;

public class TestFuse
private String name;

public String toString()
return this.getClass().getName()+"[name="+name+"]";

public static void main(String[] args)

TestFuse testFuse = new TestFuse();
